* 2005 Married DH
* 1/1/08 Threw away condoms
* 2/21/08 BFP (In awe!)
* 3/14/08 US- Empty sac @7 wks
* 3/31/08 Bleeding begins
* 4/8/08 D&C @ 10 wks 4 days
* 6/08 TTC again
* 2/4/09 BFP
* 3/5/09 US- Empty sac @8wks
* 3/13/09 D&C
* 5/8/09 Semen Analysis- Slightly low count & morphology
* 6/10/09 First Appt. with RE
* 9/2009 IUI #1 w/ clomid and hcg injection; BFN
* 10/30/2009 IUI#2 w/ clomid and hcg injection; BFN
* 11/2009 Trying on our own this cycle
* 12/2009 HSG- Tubes open, uterus inconclusive
* 12/31/2009 IUI#3 w/ Femara and hcg inj; BFN
* 1/27/2010 Hysteroscopy- Uterus looks perfect
* Jan-Dec 2010 Sort of taking a break, sort of trying on our own
* 12/8/10 Diagnosed with Stage 4 Endo
* 12/20/10 Glucose, insulin, and AMH labs normal
* 1/1/2011 Start IVF/ICSI#1
* 2/8/2011 IVF/ICSI #1 Egg retrieval
11/1/11 EDD
11/4/11 Baby Girl born