Thursday, October 20, 2011

I love you Mr. Carpet Cleaner

We are having our carpets cleaned tomorrow morning and I am so giddy I can't contain myself. I love our lil home and we remodeled it almost from the bare bones when we bought it so there is love and sweat personally poured into every bit of it. I've used a friends home carpet cleaner a couple of times in the past, but this is the first time we've had it professionally done. And I am so excited. DH just rolls his eyes. And prepping for the carpet cleaner is plenty of work- and moving stuff off the carpet isn't really anything I can help with. So, I don't blame DH for not being enthusiastic as me- but grateful he is being a good sport. I don't know why, but it just feels like having the carpets cleaned is one of the Nesting rites of passage before baby comes. And it makes me feel like we are that much closer. Once carpets are cleaned I can really get things settled- where as so far, a lot of things have been 1/2 done as we were awaiting the carpets being cleaned. Thanks Mr. Carpet man for making my day.

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