Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Freeze report

Both or our remaining embryos, count them- TWO!, made it to Day 6 and were high enough quality to freeze. Two embryos hanging out for a future try. My clinic doesn't give embryo grad reports which is a bummer, but she said they only freeze good quality.

It makes the chaos and fear of Transfer Day even more worth it.


  1. Yay for snowbabies!! Wishing you lots of luck and sticky vibes during your TWW!! Fingers crossed!

  2. I'm glad you had a good transfer. I've got my fingers crossed for you. I'm sending all my good thoughts for your 2ww!

  3. Just did some catching up on your latest posts...and I'm with your Mother, she needs to start knitting that baptism blanket :)

    So grateful you had grade A embies and also some snowbabies. Sending loads of baby dust your way and tagging you with the baby spirit.

  4. Woohoo! Congratulations on the two babes on chill.

  5. Fabulous news for 2 frozen embryos! Now two weeks of resting!

  6. So glad you have two frozen embryos!!
    I'm still wondering why they didn't use the U/S wand on me. The things we have to go thru is crazy! but hopefully we'll get good results!
    I'm debating about the HPT I really want to but I'm so scared! but I think it will be worst just waiting for a call from the clinic for hours after the B/W so I might do it, I was thinking Sunday. I don't know just thinking about it freaks me out! How about you?

  7. I'll probably take it on Sunday. Let's see how that goes!!

  8. Fantastic news :)) Must be great to think you've got two little ones waiting in the freeze. Look after yourself over these 2 weeks xoxo
